TO: Director of Community Protection
FROM: Anna Maj, Secretary of a Charity Organisation
SUBJECT: Improvements in facilities for the disabled
DATE: 6th, May, 2006
The aim of this report is to present the possible improvements in facilities for the disabled in our town. This proposal outlines the charity organisation’s plans and reasons for improving the present situation of these people.
Need for New Improvements
Last month we have observed that the situation of the disabled in this town is unacceptable. Many people with their physical defects have no appropriate facilities which would help them to live and work in a normal and easier way. Thus, we intend to make additional and more modern facilities available for them.
Sport and Leisure Facilities Improvements
We have made some projects to improve sports and leisure facilities in our town. This would give the people an excellent base for recreation and leisure. The main aim of the plan is to help the disabled make new relationships with different people. What is more, it will strengthen their self-confidence and belief in human beings. We intend to redevelop the games pitch, provide changes for outdoor and indoor activities, make more sport competitions, renovate the adapted toilets, and car parkings. In addition, our organisation together with other community organisations have promised to fund these projects.
The Disabled Facilities Grant
The disabled facilities grant of up to Ł 30,000, is designed to help people with a disability to make necessary changes to their houses, and give them better freedom of movement. The grant can be used to provide adequate access into and around their homes, suitable washing and toilet facilities, adequate heating facilities and safety. Furthermore, we can improve access to the bedroom, and kitchen, bath or shower by installing a stair lift or providing a downstairs bathroom.
In conclusion, we believe that our proposed plans for improving the facilities will bring a number of benefits to the disabled. I hope that the plans presented in this report meet with your approval and both our charity organization and the Town Council will be able to help all the disabled in this town.
Category: Business English - Writing
Tags: Proposal report, report on facilities, local authorities, improvements